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- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- /*We pass 'GP' alot but it allows for multiple GUI's in a single aplication*/
- int main( int argc, char *argv[]);
- int getline(struct GUIpipe * GP);
- __stdargs int topipe(struct GUIpipe * GP, UBYTE * data,...);
- int buildgui(struct GUIpipe * GP);
- int gperror(struct GUIpipe * GP,int error);
- int getevent(struct GUIpipe * GP);
- int gadgets(struct GUIpipe * GP);
- int menu(struct GUIpipe * GP);
- UBYTE * eventstr(struct GUIpipe * GP,int num);
- VOID setdefaults(VOID);
- /* This structure is used to magage a GUI*/
- /*events information and results from topipe() are kept seperate */
- struct GUIpipe
- {
- BPTR file;
- UBYTE * nextline;
- int count,error;
- int val1,val2,val3,val4,val5,val6;
- UBYTE buf[500],str3[200];
- UBYTE str1[20],result1[50],result2[50];
- };
- /* the structure to mantain the GUI */
- struct GUIpipe myGP;
- /* the gadget ID's */
- int namegad,agegad,sexgad,knogad,basgad,aregad,cgad,asmgad,resgad,
- dongad,cangad;
- /* the forms information */
- int age,sex,knowledge,basic,arexx,c,asm;
- UBYTE name[104];
- int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- {
- struct GUIpipe * GP = &myGP;
- int stop=0;
- setdefaults();
- /* build the GUI and use it*/
- if(!buildgui(GP))
- {
- /* we loop until we are told to stop or an error happens*/
- while(!GP->error&&!stop)
- {
- /* read an event.*/
- getevent(GP);
- /* the first two letter of each event type are different. For this GUI one
- letter would be enough . SASC requires you turn the Multiple Character
- Constants option on (MCConstants) .*/
- switch(GP->str1[1]+(GP->str1[0]<<8))
- {
- case('ga'):
- stop=gadgets(GP);
- break;
- case('me'):
- stop=menu(GP);
- break;
- case('cl'):
- printf("Use Closed Window or uses CTRl\\\n");
- stop=1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*close the pipe connection*/
- if(GP->file)Close(GP->file);
- exit( 0 );
- }
- /* read a line from the pipe*/
- /* get rid of the old line if there is one*/
- int getline(struct GUIpipe * GP)
- {
- int in;
- if(GP->nextline)
- {
- GP->count-=(GP->nextline-GP->buf);
- memmove(GP->buf,GP->nextline,GP->count);
- GP->nextline=0;
- }
- /*read pipe until we have an linefeed*/
- while (!(GP->nextline=memchr(GP->buf,'\n',GP->count)))
- {
- if(!(in=Read(GP->file,&(GP->buf[GP->count]),499-GP->count)))
- {
- /*error on EOF or lines over 499 chars.*/
- gperror(GP,1);
- return(1);
- }
- GP->count+=in;
- }
- /* mark the end of line*/
- *GP->nextline++=0;
- return(0);
- }
- /*write data to the pipe, read the responce from the pipe and parse it,
- return the value of the second parameter is the responce is ok,
- return 0 if we have a problem*/
- __stdargs int topipe(struct GUIpipe * GP, UBYTE * data,...)
- {
- VFPrintf(GP->file,data,(APTR)(4+(int)(&data)) );
- if(getline(GP)) return(0);
- sscanf(GP->buf,"%50s %50s",GP->result1,GP->result2);
- if(!strcmp(GP->result1,"ok"))return(atoi(GP->result2));
- gperror(GP,2);
- return(0);
- }
- /* GP->error could simply be set rather then calling this routine
- but its politer to alert the user somehow */
- int gperror(struct GUIpipe * GP,int error)
- {
- GP->error=error;
- printf("ERROR %ld\n",GP->error);
- return(0);
- }
- /*open the file on AWNPipe:, send the window and gadget definitions,
- open the GUI window, return 0 for sucess or an error number*/
- buildgui(struct GUIpipe * GP)
- {
- /* Open pipe 'tut2' with GUI creation option '/xc' */
- if(!( GP->file=Open("awnpipe:tut2/xc",MODE_OLDFILE))) return(1);
- /* define the window */
- /* The first line oF every GUI is the window definition. The window is titled
- "Tutorial 2" and its elements will be laid out verticaly (v). It has a
- closegadget (cg) , depthgadget (dg) , and dragbar (db). It will have spaces
- inbetween its gadgets (si). It will open on the topleft (tl) of the screen
- becoming active (a) when opened. */
- topipe(GP," \"Tutorial 2\" v cg dg db si a tl\n");
- /* define the gadgets*/
- topipe(GP," layout b 0 v\n");
- /* Labels are used to tell the user what information to enter in each gadget.
- These labels are unatached (ua) when they are defined so don't go directly
- into the GUI. Instead they are attached to the following gadget by the
- childlabel (chl) keyword. */
- topipe(GP," label gt \"Name: \" ua\n");
- namegad=topipe(GP,"string lj chl\n");
- topipe(GP," label gt \"Age: \" ua\n");
- agegad=topipe(GP,"integer chl minn 5 maxn 115 arrows defn 30 weiw 0\n");
- topipe(GP," label gt \"Sex: \" ua\n");
- sexgad=topipe(GP,"radiobutton rl \"Male|Female\" chl\n");
- topipe(GP," label gt \"Knowledge: \" ua\n");
- knogad=topipe(GP,"chooser pu cl \"Novice|Average|Good|Expert\" chl\n");
- topipe(GP," label gt \"Language(s): \" ua\n");
- topipe(GP," layout b 0 chl\n");
- basgad=topipe(GP,"checkbox gt \"Basic \" chl\n");
- aregad=topipe(GP,"checkbox gt \"Arexx \" chl\n");
- cgad=topipe(GP,"checkbox gt \"C \" chl\n");
- asmgad=topipe(GP,"checkbox gt \"ASM \" chl\n");
- topipe(GP," le\n");
- topipe(GP," le\n");
- topipe(GP," layout si so\n");
- resgad= topipe(GP,"button gt \"Reset Form\" c\n");
- dongad= topipe(GP,"button gt \"Done\" c\n");
- cangad= topipe(GP,"button gt \"Cancel\" c\n");
- topipe(GP," le\n");
- topipe(GP," menu gt \"Project |About|$! Tutorial 2 |$! AWNPipe: Example\"\n");
- topipe(GP," menu gt \"Data|@AShow all data|Show part|$@PPersonal|$@SSkill\"\n");
- /*open the GUI window if all is ok*/
- if(!GP->error) topipe(GP,"open\n");
- return(GP->error);
- }
- /* read a line form the pipe and parse it for event information*/
- int getevent(struct GUIpipe * GP)
- {
- UBYTE * s3;
- if(!getline(GP))
- {
- sscanf(GP->buf,"%20s %d %d %d %d %d",
- GP->str1,&GP->val2,&GP->val3,
- &GP->val4,&GP->val5,&GP->val6);
- sscanf(GP->buf,"%d",&GP->val1);
- if (s3=eventstr(GP,3))
- {
- if (strlen(s3)<200)strcpy(GP->str3,s3);
- else memmove(GP->str3,s3,199);
- }
- }
- return(GP->error);
- }
- /* find the start of the 'num' parameter.
- Then store a copy of the string, NOT THE POINTER */
- UBYTE * eventstr(struct GUIpipe * GP,int num)
- {
- UBYTE *a;
- a=GP->buf;
- while((num--)>1)
- {
- a=strchr(a,' ');
- if(!a)return(0);
- a++;
- }
- return(a);
- }
- /* store the information from the event or perform an action */
- /* we return 1 if the gui should be closed, or 0 to keep going*/
- int gadgets(struct GUIpipe * GP)
- {
- int a;
- a=GP->val2;
- if(a==agegad) age=GP->val3;
- if(a==sexgad) sex=GP->val3;
- if(a==knogad) knowledge=GP->val3;
- if(a==basgad) basic=GP->val3;
- if(a==aregad) arexx=GP->val3;
- if(a==cgad) c=GP->val3;
- if(a==asmgad) asm=GP->val3;
- if(a==namegad) strcpy(name,GP->str3);
- if(a==resgad)
- {
- /* close the GUI, clean the GUIpipe structure */
- Close(GP->file);
- GP->file=0;
- GP->nextline=0;
- GP->count=0;
- GP->buf[0]=0;
- /* try to make a new GUI*/
- setdefaults();
- if(buildgui(GP))return(1);
- }
- if(a==cangad)
- {
- printf("User Canceled\n");
- return(1);
- }
- if(a==dongad)
- {
- printf("name: %s\n age: %ld\n sex: %ld\n", name,age,sex);
- printf("knowledge: %ld\n basic: %ld arexx: %ld c: %ld asm: %ld \n",
- knowledge,basic,arexx,c,asm);
- return(1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*react to the menu event. menu#=val2, menuitem#=val3,subitem#=val4
- menu 0 is only informational so we ignore it and just handle menu 1*/
- int menu(struct GUIpipe * GP)
- {
- if(GP->val2==1)
- {
- if(GP->val3==0)
- {
- printf("name %s age %ld sex %ld\n", name,age,sex);
- printf("knowledge %ld basic %ld arexx %ld c %ld asm %ld \n",
- knowledge,basic,arexx,c,asm);
- }
- if(GP->val3==1)
- {
- if(GP->val4==0)
- {
- printf("name %s age %ld sex %ld\n", name,age,sex);
- }
- if(GP->val4==1)
- {
- printf("knowledge %ld basic %ld arexx %ld c %ld asm %ld \n",
- knowledge,basic,arexx,c,asm);
- }
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*initialize our information to default state*/
- VOID setdefaults()
- {
- *name=0;
- age=30;
- sex=0 ;
- knowledge=0;
- basic=0;
- c=0;
- asm=0;
- arexx=0;
- }